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Date: 03-31-2017

Views: 11157

Your Comments: 0


Managers are not paying the stockholder a fair and sustainable dividend

Motor Sich (MSICH)

Payout ratio is not in the 50-75% rank

A payout ratio of less than 50% is too little. However, a payout ratio higher than 75% might not be sustainable over time. The right rank is just in between those.

A preliminary look at the country


La directiva no le paga al accionista un dividendo justo y sostenible

Motor Sich (MSICH)

El payout ratio no está en el rango del 50-75%

Un ratio payout de menos del 50% es demasiado pequeño. No obstante, un payout mayor del 75% podría no ser sostenible en el tiempo. El rango adecuado está justo en medio.

Un primer vistazo al país

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