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Date: 03-29-2017

Views: 3781

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They are spending on investments more than what they make from operations

Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB (IENOVA)

Their free cash flow is negative 

Free cash flow is simply cash from operations minus capex. Capex stands for capital expenditures, or long term assets bought. When capex is higher than cash from operations over time, maybe the company is either investing too much, or it is not getting enough returns on those investments.

A preliminary look at the country


Gastan más en inversiones de lo que ganan por sus operaciones

Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB (IENOVA)

El Free Cash Flow es negativo

El free cash flow es la caja de las operaciones menos el capex. El capex es el consumo de capital, o los activos a largo plazo comprados en un periodo. Si durante un tiempo el capex es mayor que la caja de las operaciones, quizá la empresa esté invirtiendo demasiado, o quizá no le saca rendimiento a esas inversiones.

Un primer vistazo al país

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